Technology, also known as tech, refers to the products of human creative effort, from simple tools and utensils to complex machines, including software and business systems. It also refers to the process by which such products are developed, created and produced. It is the most widely used term in the field of information technology, but it can also refer to other forms of innovation, such as scientific research, engineering, and mathematics.
Technology has radically changed the nature of humans and the way they live. The invention of farming techniques increased food production and improved living standards; improvements in sanitation, preventive medicine, and firearms and explosives have transformed warfare; computers have altered how people write, work, shop, bank, communicate, and study. At the same time, technologies can disrupt existing social structures and lead to environmental pollution.
Modern technology depends on the use of complex engineering, manufacturing, construction, and maintenance processes that require specialized training and education. The design and development of new technologies are often influenced by a variety of factors, such as market acceptance, the cost of capital, government budgeting, public awareness and support, political considerations, media attention, and economic competition.
In the past, the development of technology was largely driven by inventiveness and trial and error. Today, more complex technological innovations are often the result of collaboration between companies and educational institutions, and are the product of years of research and development work.
Technological innovation can be found in every industry and business, and is responsible for major milestones like the digital revolution. In the future, it is expected that technological advancements will continue to accelerate and make our lives better. However, it is important to understand the differences between various types of technology in order to fully leverage its benefits.
Communication Technology
Modern communication technology, such as phones, fax machines and email, are essential for everyday life. Businesses rely on these technology tools for day to day activities such as managing projects, keeping in touch with clients and providing customer service.
Construction Technology
Buildings, dams, bridges, roads and tunnels are the most common examples of construction technology. These are the backbone of our society, and help us move around efficiently.
Science Technology
Without the aid of technology, scientists would be unable to progress in their studies of weather patterns, genetic patterns, climate change, and other complicated topics. Science technology includes tools for measurement, data analysis and processing, experimentation, specimen collection, transportation to remote sites, and the safe handling of hazardous materials.